Monday, April 26, 2010

Well, My Glass Is Half Full of Something...

It's been a while since I've blogged. I'm not sure why, I guess I just didn't have much to say or the inclination to say it. I must get in to blogging again though. I read some of my old entries and think "Wow. I wrote that?" Hey, I must be good!

Anyway, what's been on my mind today has made me slightly sad. I was attempting some cupboard cleaning yesterday and realised that for some reason I have an over-abundance of wine glasses in my flat. This seemed odd to me as, generally, people seem to be short of wine glasses. It got me wondering why the heck I had so many?

I realised the answer is that I used to entertain a heck of a lot more than I do now. For various reasons I haven't had anybody over for freaking ages. Most of the reason I don't entertain as much as I used to is everybody growing up and moving on/moving out/not being able to get out due to having bred. It's nobody's fault really, it just happened. Gone are the days when 7-10 of us would be squeezed into my living room on a Saturday evening, supping wine and generally putting the world to rights in our youthful and optimistic way. And you know what, I don't really miss them all that much. I miss my friends for sure but I don't miss the hangovers and all the flipping washing up those evenings generated.

I have a friend who's been bemoaning his failing youth almost as long as I've known him and I always thought "So what, happens to all of us mate." Now I get a tiny inkling of what he's been mourning, though my idea of a good Saturday night was never getting drunk on lager and eyeing up the opposite sex in night clubs. At least not every week!

So, is part of this growing up thing accepting that a few of those mis-matched wine glasses should really go to the charity shop? I guess so. What I'm going to do about all the flipping mugs I have is anybody's guess though!

BTW - The picture above is from an evening when I was enjoying a glass of cider at home and the foam formed itself into that shape. I did wonder if it could predict the future, like tea leaves?