Friday, August 18, 2006

More Fecking Festival

Oh God! Will it ever end?? Bored now by the way. Will all these feckers just LEAVE now please?

Like the fecker that ruined my morning. I'm not the best in the morning, I usually don't like talking to people I know until I've had my first coffee, so complete strangers talking to me before that point is most unsettling. I'd just got off the bus (I hate busses) at Elm Row and some bloody twit asked me if I knew the way to Amarillo. Excuse me? I'm wearing a suit jacket and a scowl. Do I look like I bloody well know the way to fecking Amarillo??? I didn't actually tell them to f*ck off but that was the subtext of my reply. Jesus!

And the film festival has started this week as well. Whoopee! I only just found out that my Cineworld pass entitles me to half price tickets but I fear it is too late. I don't want to leave my flat until September.

I did see a good film on Wednesday but it was nothing to do with the Festival. The new M. Knight Shallamallamadingdong movie - Lady in the Water. It's not a 'horror' like his other films, more like a fairy tale, but there are still plenty of bits that make you jump. I read the review of it in Heat magazine (Don't ask. I'm ashamed of myself!) and was gobsmacked that they had to qualify that it was a fairy tale in the review. It said something along the lines of "If you're willing to accept that monsters could exist then you'll like this movie." Oh my God! Why do they have to qualify the willing suspension of disbelief aspect? I despair sometimes. It's a film about a lady that lives in a swimming pool for Bob's sake.


Ho hum. The Festival will be over soon and hopefully I can stop being so tetchy.

Despite my tetchiness I scored free tickets to a show last night - A comedy guitar trio called Ole (see picture). They were excellent. Absolutely excellent guitar players who throw slapstick, special effects and juggling into their act. Check out the clip of them I found online:

They are brilliant. I may look out for them next year.

Well, that's enough for just now. TFI Friday by the way. The weather outside is horrible, it's misty and rainy so I think an evening in with Mr DVD player is in order. Mmm. It seems ridiculous to be wrapped in a duvet on your couch in August but I think it may come to that. Ah nice....

1 comment:

Natcho Girl said...

So what's happening on marj island?