Monday, December 18, 2006

My Magnificent Octopus!

I've just been reading "The Other Side of the Story" by Marian Keyes. I woke up early on Sunday and decided to stay in bed and read for a bit (you need a pure, unadulterated chick lit binge once in a while and it's not fattening so it must do you good...) Just over 28 hours and 452 pagers later I'm sure, in some way I can't quite define, that she's written the novel I was going to write. Or rather, she writes the novels I'd write if I ever got off my ass and did it. Dammit!!

This novel has 3 main characters and little bits of each of them seem uncomfortably familiar. Maybe this is the secret of Ms Keyes' success? Zoe read the book before me and said she identified with the "Aargh! No clean clothes to wear. Rummage in wardrobe. Find shirt with stains - Oh well, won't take off jacket all day" aspect of one of the characters. Who hasn't done that though? I think I like the ball-busting literary agent Jojo the most of the three, despite her being American, but that's possibly because she's a curvy redhead and has the best shoes. I have other reasons for identifying with her the most as well so I really hope it all turns out nice in the end. Of course it will! It looks like the kind of book where you're guaranteed a satisfactory ending and the qoutation on the jacket says the book will "... make you bubble up with happiness inside." Oh fingers crossed it all turns out well. If I don't bubble up with happiness I may demand my money back. Oh hang on, I nicked the book from the big pile in my boss' office. Dang!


Natcho Girl said...

I love Maryanne Keys and have read a few of her books. There is always someone you identify with - If you write a book will you dedicate it to me... for giving you my addiction to shoes?
I'll make sure it's a bestseller, i'll pimp it out to everyone i know... xxx try Kate Fforde next - she's also brill.

Marj said...

Ooh, must try and get some of that. The end of the one I just read was good but not what I was expecting - which is also good I guess. I really enjoyed it though. I'm now reading The Lost Continent by Bill Bryson. Most enjoyable so far but the middle of America is a scary, scary place!