Female clerk: When I get that drunk I always end up stealing something or get something stolen from me.
Male clerk: Maybe you shouldn't get so drunk.
Female clerk: I wouldn't, but I can't afford good coke with this shit job.
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It's linked to the Overheard in New York site. Oh, it just makes me laugh so much!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Holiday Blog Updated, Almost....

I've been updating the Holiday Blog with my amazing adventures in Bahrain.
You'll have to scroll down to the bottom to start at day one but I've almost finished. I just have to recount the horror of the return journey... but it's pub time just now so I'm off to get myself a gin and cranberry. Huzzah!
The picture here is of some modern art that was outside the Bahrain National Museum. I think my intellectual contribution to a critical examination of the piece was "Heh heh, he's got a willy!"
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Shoes Of The Day

Well, after my holiday I got caught up on work things pretty speedily but catching up on my tinterweb passions has been a bit more furtive. I speeded through Manolo's Shoe Blog but hopefully I'll be able to go back and peruse what I've missed next week. He does post a lost of interesting miscellany (read 'shite'). One of the things I spotted on there was shoes made of chocolate. Now, if it were shoes made of crisps my waistline would be in much bigger trouble!
The Shoes Of The Day were easier to catch up on, though I skipped the little comments the blogger puts under each one. These beauties made my heart flutter though. Aren't they gorgeous?
Here's what was said about them:
Green Shoes from Jessica Simpson
In the shoe dictionary under the word "fun," you will definitely find a picture of this shoe.With its 4.5" heel, fabric upper, and peep-toe covered in bow, the Pegeen in bright green is just wonderful.
Equally fabulous in scarlet, you might want to check that same shoe dictionary to see if this shoe isn't also listed under the word "flirty."
As Manolo would say "Super fantastic!"
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig.

I'm back in one piece from my jaunt to Bahrain and it's raining in Edinburgh. Ah home, what else could one expect really? Well, in April in Scotland you can probably expect rain, snow, sleet, sun, wind, clouds... pretty much anything except hurricanes and dust storms and I wouldn't necessarily rule them out.
I did type up a couple of blog entries while in Bahrain but didn't get around to posting them. Once I've got a few photos downloaded and Nat's emailed me the entries from her laptop I'll get the holiday blog updated. A potted version of events is that I made it through the hideous day of travel to get there, developed a stinking cold, shopped and then came home again. The travelling on the way back was much, much worse. I was so sleep deprived by that point the only thing I could cope with on the in-flight entertainment was Disney movies. Anyhoo, I'll tell you all about that on the holiday blog. An announcement will be posted when it's updated.
For now it's back to life, back to reality. Sigh. At least I didn't leave a mahooosive pile of washing up to welcome me home!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Set The Seasons By My Shoes

Well it's official - spring has most definitely sprung. I've downgraded to a light jacket, though it can still be a bit chilly in the shade, and my gorgeous emerald green espadrilles have had their first outing this year. They've been sitting looking forlorn by my wardrobe since last Autumn but the sun was shining today and my matching green striped shirt was clean so I thought "Why not?" I bought that shirt in the January sales and even then I considered the fact that it would go with these shoes. Mmmm, I love these shoes! Golan by Nine West if you're really curious (though a deeper green than the ones shown).
God bless Lady Nat Nat for persuading me to buy them last summer. I just adores them so I do! My only regret is not snapping up the orange ones in the sale when I had the chance. I just thought I'd never wear anything orange or have anything to go with them. I've since learnt that it's entirely possible, and even fun, to build an outfit from the shoes up. Some of the chaps at the wedding on Monday mocked me for this but they just didn't understand... and they never will so poo to them!
Anyhoo, I'm afraid I'll probably have to try and find room in my suitcase for these next week. Is 2 pairs of espadrilles too much to take on holiday? Oh trauma!
Anyway, I'm off work for a whole 2 weeks from today. The office is shut Good Friday and then I'm officially on my annual leave. I fly out to Bahrain on Tuesday and am there for a whole week. Shopping and sunbathing and Grand Prix, oh my! Can you call it sunbathing when you're wearing factor 50 or is that more just lounging about? Whatever, I plan to do a lot of it.
I'll try and update while I'm away but I think Nat's laptop died so I might not have internet access.
Try not to miss me too much ;o)
Smell ya later xxx
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Ding Dong The Bells Are Going To Chime

This weekend was the weekend of the Kelly and Andy wedding. Behold the picture of the happy couple on their happy day. I think this should be their official portrait but Andy's mum at least would probably have something to say about that.
On Friday evening a bunch of the girls went out for Kelly's last hurrah - her hen party. Well, it won't be her last hurrah because I doubt marriage is going to change her life much but it was the perfect excuse for drinking and dancing and Mexican food, oh my! We started in Pancho Villas where Lauraah managed to pour half a jug of Margherita on the table because it'd been left to sit and had congealed into one big lump of ice. I knew tequila was a bad idea, especially seeing as most of it dribbled off the table and onto my feets. Yeuch! I also managed to get terrible brain freeze from the frozen cocktails so all in all that's probably me off the tequila again for another 10 years. Apart from that the meal was very tasty though and very, very good value.
After an extortionately priced cocktail in the Scotsman bar on North Bridge Kirsty, Kelly and I toddled down to the Citrus Club to see if it was still the same as it ever was and do you know what? Apart from not being able to smoke in there it was just the same. Hoorah! There are not many constants in this world but the cheesiness of the Citrus Club seems to be one of them. The only difference I could discern was that the ladies loos had been done up and that's all to the good because they were minging before. There were still the random drunk punters whose idea of a chat up line is fondling your bum (When has that ever worked??) and strange joggy man turned up later on as well. The club wasn't quite busy enough for the DJ to risk a Clash/Jam set but he more than made up for that with an abundance of cheesy disco tunes and old school techno. S Express-licious baby!
I really hadn't been in the mood for a big night out and had been wondering about the possibility of bailing after the meal. I'm glad I dragged my tired ol' ass down to the Citrus though because it was such fun. I stopped drinking when we got there so I was stone cold sober and it really was amusing observing the crowd and all the drunken things that went on. Slightly less amusing to realise how much spilt beer your trousers have absorbed but that's all part of the experience I guess. Despite the lack of alcohol in my blood we were still there to the bitter end, dancing almost non stop, so I was an utter wreck on Saturday I'm afraid. Naomi dragged me to a house party on Saturday evening but I was so wiped out I just couldn't handle it and ended up back on the couch watching chick flicks. Good Lord, remember when you could go out Friday and Saturday evening and not bat an eyelid? Them's were the days.
On Sunday I had a mad dash around Princes Street trying to finish off the outfit that I was building on the shoes I got in Guildford. Remember them? See Monday 26th February 2007 for the picture. Flipping Marks and Spencer have got all their summer stock in and nary a flipping white v-neck jumper to be had. Most places seemed to be the same but luckily for me BHS was still trying to shift some stock to make room for the summer stuff and I managed to pick up a white jersey. It had to be a jersey because I needed the warmth my linen jacket would not provide... dang I looked good though!
The wedding was on Monday afternoon in Leith Registry Office and the reception was in the Smoke Stack on the Shore. We had a lovely meal and I actually chose the mussels for a starter (in a tomato and chilli sauce, it was quite yummy. Maybe I'll grow to like seafood after all?) and monkfish for the main. Yummy yum yumsle. We'd started with the fizzy wine when the bride was getting ready at lunch time so, having missed the after dinner coffee for some reason, I was falling asleep by about 8:30pm. A diet Coke or two perked me up and I ended up out with the other die-hards until 1:30am. Zoinks! I've been suffering for it today I can tell you - so tired, so very tired. I'm looking forward to crawling home, parking it in front of the telly and not moving until bed time. I've a zillion things to do before going on holiday next week but I need time to recover dammit!
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