Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spam Is Getting Stranger All The Time

What is it with spammers? Sometimes you look at the emails you get and you can't believe anybody would fall for that, in their right minds or not!

I've noticed that dating websites seem to spam the celebrity gossip rag blogs that I am hopelessly addicted to these days. Under a story about how Madonna's marriage to Guy Ritchie is as strong as ever is some weird message stating they think she's really pretty and they saw her profile on a millionaire's dating site. WTF? It's just annoying.

Anyway, I was doing one of my periodical clean outs of my Spam folder in Gmail* and came across one that made me pause...

The subject line was 'become an unexcelled lover'.

WTF? My brain couldn't quite process this concept. With reflection I realise it means 'excelled by none' but at the time all I could think of was that they were offering you the chance to become crap in bed. It must have been all the emails surrounding it that were offering cheap viagra and ways to satisfy your woman that muddled my mind. I was tickled with the following visual image...

There was Juan, exhausted from an afternoon of pleasuring nubile young ladies, snatching a few brief moments between snatches to check his email. "Mi dios!" he exclaims, "Just what I have been looking for. This incessant accomplished and passionate love making is exhausting me. How many are the times have I wished I was not such an excellent lover! I must send these kind people my bank details immediately."

Anyway, here's a picture of David Tennant as Casanova. I haven't seen the series myself but I have just got it for Kirsi for her birthday (Ssssh! Don't tell her yet.) It's not Sci Fi but I'm hoping we can work it into the Sci Fi Sunday Schedule because I want to see it too. She'll probably watch it all in one sitting and then lend me the DVDs though. I don't think she could wait between Sundays for her Tennant fix. Hey ho, I'll let you know if it's any good :o)

*I usually check in case some message I do actually want to read has been shovelled in there. I'm waiting for somebody on GumTree to get back to me about a couple of free shoe racks they were advertising. They haven't though. Sheesh! Courtesy costs nothing. Even a wee email to say "thanks for your interest but they're gone" wouldn't have taken 30 seconds to dash off. Man, I hate people!

Ahem. Rant over.

1 comment:

Marj said...

Casanova was excellent! I heartily recommend it :oD