Friday, November 14, 2008

The Strawberries Are Ripening Fast...

Ok, so it's all been a bit negative here recently. I've been getting bogged down in being annoyed with idiocy and, quite frankly Mr Shankley, it gets on your tits after a while.

As it's Friday afternoon I thought I'd lighten the mood a bit and go back to what seems to be my other favourite blogging subject - Hot Men! Today's subject: Mark Strong.

Thanks go to MoJo for waking me up this morning with the following text: "You'll never sing the same if your teeth ain't your own..."

If you've seen Rock'N'Rolla this'll make sense, if you haven't then you should watch it - as long as you like Guy Ritchie movies. If you can't be doing with them I wouldn't bother, except to see how hot Mark Strong is... Phwooarr! He plays Archie, he of The Slap.

MoJo's text was prompted by our excitement over the prospect of Body of Lies. I wasn't fussed about seeing this movie. A corrupt cop crime thriller with Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe? Yaaawn! Then I saw the trailer again and spotted a familiar, and very handsome, face. Suddenly I'm all about going to see that movie. Yeah, ok. I'm shallow and easily led. What of it?

Anyway, Mark Strong also played Mr Knightley in a production of Emma and when he uttered the line "Mr Knightley invites you to taste his strawberries, for they are ripening fast..." I almost fell off the couch. It was the way he said it.... *wibble*

That is of course the reply I sent to MoJo's text. (Ok, so this has been a tedious insight into the random workings of our minds but isn't it better than another rant about stupid people? I think so.)

Ah, Mr Knightley - I'd love to sample your strawberries!

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