Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ugh. It's that time of year again. Dammit! You just get over the horror of the 'Festive' period and then frickin' Valentine's Day gets shoved in your face.

Why do we do it to ourselves?

I saw a poll on MSN today that inspired me to blog. Maybe these results come from the fact that most people are more ready to complain than say positive things but c'mon - look at the figures people!

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Are you looking forward to it?

1. Yes! I love a good spoiling with flowers and a meal out

2. Yes, it's an excuse to go out on the pull.

3. No, it puts pressure on couples to have a great time and is a commercial con

4. No, I'm single and it just reminds me of that

13049 responses, not scientifically valid.

Ok. What I want to know is of the 41% who are single and pathetic (I can judge because I've hated Valentine's Day even when I've been in a couple. I'm an option 3 person myself) how many of those would go for option 1 if you asked them again? A depressingly large proportion I reckon.

I do feel like King Lear screaming into the storm here.

Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow!

Yup, VD tends to make me rage and blow. If anyone wants me I'll be hiding under the duvet....

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Um, Stating The Obvious...

Oh, I do like the adverts you get down the side of Facebook. There's a high likelihood that the fabulous competition I just won was spotted down the right hand side of Facebook. A weekend in Cork is not to be sniffed at!

Sometimes though, their only value is in amusing me. Here's one I spotted today:

"Sick of the elliptical? This method helps you get fit, fast. Try my two step method for losing weight at home for free. Start today."

Two step method for losing weight eh? Is it something revolutionary like eat less and exercise more???

Of course, that's too much common sense for today's society. This is some kind of miracle green tea. To be honest that's as far as I got because I can't be bothered reading the rest of the insipid blurb.

And what is the elliptical? The elliptical shape of your body? Or is it some kind of gym device that I am unaware of? Answers on the back of a cream bun please.