Thursday, July 06, 2006

Do Not Resist Hypno-Kitty

I had to pay homage to the fantastic mug that Kirsi got me for my birthday. It's a magnificent mug and the big, blue eyes of the moggy theron seem to urge you to drink more tea....

It was a Godsend on Saturday when I inexplicably woke up at half six in the morning. I managed to lie in bed for another hour but then I was flipping well wide awake so I got up. I haven't seen half seven on a Saturday morning since I worked full time in Tesco, it was very weird. I tried texting Bruce to get revenge for the previous week, and the text that had awoken me from a drunken stupor on the couch at 2:30am. It didn't work, he replied a few hours later extolling the wonders of silent mode. Bah! Anyhoo, Hypno-Kitty kept me company for the next few hours with gallons and gallons of lovely tea. Hoorah for Hypno-Kitty!

On Saturday evening I dragged my ass out to Hannah's flat warming, fully expecting to be face down snoring in the potato salad before midnight. And guess what? Yep, I didn't end up leaving until 5am. What? How did that happen? I guess we just spend the whole evening gassing away, after all the middle aged teachers from Dunfermline left. Oooh, they were scary. I wasn't feeling particularly sociable and hadn't had a drop of Dutch courage to fortify me so I didn't really know how to interact with them. They all seemed lovely though and Hannah had lots of good things to say about them.

Anyhoo, at 5am Barney, Cat and I decided to walk home because it was light outside and we were all feeling in need of some fresh air. The walk was quite uneventful until I left my companions at the bottom of North Bridge. Between the bottom of NB and home I met a drag queen/transvestite (I'm a little hazy on the distinction - sorry), was offered a toke on a dooby and finally managed to wake Bruceyboy up with a drunken text. Sweeeeet! Revenge is mine! Mwah hah hah hah hah!

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