Monday, July 31, 2006

Still here... Just about!

Hiya folks

Sorry I haven't updated for a while, I just don't seem to have managed to make the time. Since the power cut I've taken to reading more while at home (laptop gathering dust) and I've been in a constant state of annoyance at work recently which seems to take up all my time and energy. Gah! Workin' nine to five - what a way to make a living indeed!

What've I been up to? I went to the Bombay Sapphire Glass House exhibition and learnt all sorts of interesting stuff about yummy gin, that was definitely the highlight of last week. I must dig out some interesting facts and figures for my fans but I'll let you know right now that I thought the Tom Collins was the yummiest cocktail on offer at the event. Mmm... gin....

The old landline got installed as well but I'm currently in a massive huff with BT so I won't go into that. Gah! Effers! The lot of them. Hope they rot in their own excrement!

Calm. Deep breaths.... Look at the ocean lapping on the shores of Marj Island. Check that serenity*...

That's better. I think a Tom Collins courtesy of Juan will sort everything out. I'll just go and see where he's got to.....

*A shiny sixpence to whoever can name that movie.

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