Well, the birthday weekend was superfantastic fun! We did watch Peter's Friends on Friday night, after a huge dinner of steak pie and mash, and I still like it. Barney hated it though, which was surprising. He's a funny bugger sometimes though so I didn't pay much attention. I think it was the 'luvviness' of the whole thing that got on his nerves, but I do adore the Emma Thompson character. How can you not love someone with a cat called Michael?? Never mind, the rest of us enjoyed ourselves watching it again.
On the Saturday I woke late and thought I'd be the last person to emerge... I was wrong! When I got up there was nobody stirring except for me. I was joined by Jasper the Cat (above) when I let him in from the rain and was most surprised when he didn't immediately start yowling for food. He's a proper cat though, he'd been out eating mice and things so he was more concerned about his tail being wet than getting a mouthful of Meow Mix or the like. After towelling him down he settled to sleep on the breakfast bar and purred and purred and purred. Wow! What a moggy!
Once the others had emerged and we'd scoffed the fresh duck eggs Chris had left out for us we took a wander into Crail and went to the pottery. Lots of lovely, lovely things to browse there. After that we went to St Andrews to get the finishing touches for the dinner. Dinner consisted of a lovely fish pie made by Cat and cranachan for pudding. Yumsle! Oh, and lots and lots of wiiiiiiiiiiiine. Hooray! There was general hilarity and the like until at around 1am Chris bunged on some Puccinni for me and we had a bit of a sing along.
Needless to say I had a bit of a head on me on Sunday. Uuuurgh. Hangover not fun! So much fun acquiring it though I didn't mind too much. Sunday was spent very gently recuperating and watching The Student Prince as I've never seen it before. A bit of silly old nonsense really but the music is lovely and Mario Lanza has one of those voices that just makes you go 'wibble'. After a late lunch and a cup of tea Jonny and I piled into Barney's car for the trip back to Auld Reekie. We only had to stop once to let me out for a breath of air and then again in Dunfermline for Barney to use the facilities. Not much but when you're hungover and want your pyjamas you really do wish they'd hurry up and invent transporter technology!