Friday, June 22, 2007

The Big Day

Happy birthday to meeee!

Happy birthday to meeee!

A very merry birthday to meeee!

Yep, the big birthday weekend is finally upon me. I'm off to sunny (??) Fife this evening for a weekend of food and drink and fun with friends. Chris has kindly agreed to host the kinder at his Crail cottage this weekend (don'tcha just love alliteration?) so hopefully we'll all have a jolly good time. It's not going to turn into Peter's Friends.... honest! How old were they all supposed to be anyway? Older than us surely? Cat and I were trying to work that out the other day. We have a sneaking suspicion the characters seemed so much older because that film came out when we were at school and our adulthood seemed so very far away... I'm sure it's still not got all of it's luggage in the door anyway. I still love scuffing through leaves and blowing bubbles in my lemonade. I don't think that's ever going to go away ;o)

Even though the big day is not yet upon me I haven't done too badly for gifts so far. My lovely, lovely colleague Susan gave me a bottle of champagne (which I shall have to remember to pack this evening) and lovely, lovely gorgeous, beautiful Nat sent me shoes. Oh joy! I'm telling you, receiving flowers at work is lovely - it's happened to me once and it was a most wonderful surprise but receiving surprise shoes at work is even better! My delight even infected the delivery man and cheered him right up.

The shoe joy continued further in the day. I was going to go for drinks with some of my colleagues but we were all too lame/tired/busy/out of the country to get our act together and actually go out. Instead I decided to take myself down to town for a little late night shopping. Naomi had informed me there was a sale on at Nine West and I decided to go and check it out. I almost didn't but I'm so glad I did because I found the Shoes That Got Away in the sale for £5. Five freakin' pounds sterling! Oh my goodness, how happy I am! I was so happy to spot them sitting very quietly on the shelf, out of the way, just waiting for me to scoop them up and take them home. I will admit to giving them the tiniest of surreptitious little hugs when I picked them up. You can't blame me, I have been longing for them for nigh on twelve months now!

See, sometimes dreams can come true.... and for the bargainlicious price of £5!!

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