Thursday, October 18, 2007

This Guy Just Really Doesn't Get It Does He?

On reflection, I think I may have been a bit hasty yesterday. In particular, I think I should maybe not have acceded so quickly to your request that my directee Fred be withdrawn from the course . I think now that I should at least have asked for the original enrollment to be honoured.
At the moment, I'm not minded to pursue this any further but this is largely because I believeFred has decided that he doesn't wish to take courses in Politics any further. (He had been intending to take introductory Politics courses with a view ultimately to changing his degree from M.A. Philosophy to M.A. Philosophy and Politics.)
In my time as a Director of Studies, I have enrolled literally scores of directees for hundreds of courses and never before have I encountered a case quite like this one. Of course, mistakes happen all the time and we all make them but what has made this case particularly difficult has been the fact that a week was allowed to elapse between Fred's (apparently successful) registration and and your instruction to withdraw, during which time he presumably carried on attending classes and planning assignments as usual. I'm just glad it's only a 20 credit course that was at stake and not a 40 credit course.
Sorry to go on at such length, but I think the primary issue in this case is the disruption to my directee's studies. This is virtually the end of the 4th week of teaching in this semester and I have still not been able to arrange a suitable alternative course for Fred. If his studies this year suffer as a result (which seems possible), I will encourage him to consider submitting a Special Circumstances claim.
Thank you,

No Dr Arsehole, I think the primary issue is that you have acted like an arrogant unprofessional wankstain.

Good gawd! These people are supposedly intelligent? Sheesh!

1 comment:

Natcho Girl said...

This guy is like a dog with a bone... He should get that stick from out of his arse and shove it in his ear!

Grrr. I'm having an I hate self important men day