Monday, October 22, 2007

Go JK, Go!!

I've been reading up on the whole "Dumbledore Is Gay" revelation that Miss Rowling revealed this weekend and have been having mixed feelings. On the one hand I am amazed that such bigotry and stupidity is still very much in evidence in the world (well, in the U.S. of A. anyway and that is the world as far as they're concerned) and on the other hand I am terrified that such bigotry and stupidity is still very much in evidence in the world!

Who gives a crap really? Some rabid American fundamentalists do. And they care enough to post on public forums, which is handy because their lack of grammar and spelling skills reveal that their opinion probably isn't worth a chocolate frog anyway.

Here are a few of the more unbelievable and stupid posts from Newsweek

· Posted By: emiejo @ 10/20/2007 9:43:20 AM

Comment: This is just plain sad. I am a conservative, born-again christian and came to the defense of the Potter books. I believed that the underlying message was how loyalty and goodness win over evil...period.
Thanks a bunch just gave conservatives more reason not to buy the book or to allow their children to read them. You didn't need to bring in such a controversial issue. In my opinion it is for publicity and to perk sales.....otherwise you are a coward. You made your millions by not revealing this "truth" prior, knowing full well the impact it would have on sales. I purchased and read every book the week each one came out. Now I wish I hadn't.

· Posted By: The Holy One @ 10/20/2007 2:09:45 AM

Comment: Thanks a lot Rowling, I'm gonna go light the local bookstore on fire to cleanse it of Satan's stench. Being gay should be a crime and is an instant ticket to hell. I hope all of you gay sympathizers end up in hell too, supporting the Devil is one of the biggest sins (besides being gay) ever.

o Posted By: maggiecat65 @ 10/20/2007 14:46:19

Comment: What is that old saying? Me thinks thou dost protest too much. Are your Gay tendencies starting to come to the surface? It is only a book people, would you ban some of the great literature of the world, just because you didn't agree with it? Again, Me thinks thou dost protest too much! !.

* Methinks maggiecat's definition of 'irony' is 'like goldy and bronzey, only made of iron...'

· Posted By: Pagan_Soul_08 @ 10/20/2007 3:02:29 AM

Comment: To you, oh Holy One, I have but one thing to say: Spout your religious dogmas and filth elsewhere you worthless sack of crap. I, for one, have amazing respect for Rowling because she can and did think to that depth in developing her character. Also, look at what she has done with the books! More people are reading, and some parents have even used the series to teach their children to read! So, she has rightfully earned my respect.

· Posted By: kiwi90210 @ 10/20/2007 7:49:53 AM

Comment: I can't believe she even felt the need to share this information! So much for my kids reading these books!

· Posted By: Sinjid777 @ 10/20/2007 9:51:34 PM

Comment: I for one don't think Dumbledore is gay. I think that the author, J.K. Rowling is an idoit looking for publicity and that all Dumbldore did was make plans for a new government with Grindlevauld. Also, this is for skindthunderbomb, CATS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!!! They are soulless and thus, cannot think, they were probably just itchy and couldn't rub their itchy spot! Anyhow, Dumbldore went through a rough patch, maybe experimented with homosexuallity and then went back to being straight. It is severel months since the book that JK revealed this so I beleive she just did this for publicity. she essentially ruined a great series because she wants to be on the spotlight.

Luckily though, there are a few out there who try to be the voice of reason against these idiots. What I was struck by is the brevity of some of these posts compared to those that are so outraged by the revelation that they felt the need to share it with the world. These people are obviously more intelligent and realise that the amount of words you use don't necessarily make what you're saying any more right.

· Posted By: A.C. Katt @ 10/19/2007 11:28:36 PM

Comment: Dumbledore is gay...hooray. There's one for the rest of us who really don't care who you love, just that you do.

· Posted By: brian.glanz @ 10/19/2007 11:08:56 PM

Comment: Christian, Muslim, and Republican conservatives are running out of places they can hide from the real world: so many of their own leaders are gay, and so is Dumbledore. It's time they stop lying to themselves and to their children about homosexuality, and so many other things.

Posted By: cmoretruth @ 10/20/2007 10:52:08

Comment: Dumbledore is NOT, I repeat NOT real. Are you all a bunch of idiots. Except not for Rowling saying he was gay there is not any other proof or situation or comentary in the books to support such a thought. which is why everyone at the signing was surprised. Grow up, the books are great fiction.

· Posted By: KarenK @ 10/20/2007 8:52:58 AM

Comment: Dumbledore is exactly the same as he was yesterday...just as wise, just as devoted to fighting Voldemort and protecting his students...he was attracted to men. That's all that's different.

· Posted By: selowitch @ 10/20/2007 9:02:12 AM

Comment: I can see it now ... Republicans in the U.S. Congress will move to pass the Defense of Literary Marriage Act forbidding fictional characters in books from entering into same-sex unions.

· Posted By: anne.nonymouse @ 10/20/2007 3:26:25 PM

Comment: It's HER BOOK, you freaks. If she says he's gay, HE'S GAY! Jeez. The unending stupidity of some in thinking they have some ownership interest in popular culture never ceases to amaze me.

· Posted By: RowlingFan @ 10/19/2007 11:46:34 PM

Comment: I wonder what percentage of Rowling's readers are having such extreme reactions as keithbrown? Didn't most of the fundamentalist Christians eschew the Harry Potter series for its so-called promotion of the so-called demonic practices of "witchcraft"? Surely most readers who understood Harry's message wouldn't judge the book any differently now knowing some new detail: one not even worthy of the author's mention of it once before across a vast and already-extensively detailed multi-volume epic.

Since the original story includes Rowling also sharing how she sees the banning of her books as a compliment -- "...if you look at which other authors are on that list. In a way it's great advertising." -- it seems that jwilkins is correct: the irony here is just getting thicker.

o Posted By: RowlingFan @ 10/20/2007 00:17:02

Comment: Sorry, I misspoke: Surely *any* readers who understood Harry's message wouldn't judge the book differently now. Other news coverage of this story has quoted Rowling saying that she considered the books a "prolonged argument for tolerance."

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