Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Ok, so when I was on holiday in Amsterdam I was really upset because I thought my digital camera had broken. The batteries had run down so I replaced them with some I had purchased in Holland. Lo and behold the camera stopped working. I was really bummed out because I'd only managed to take about 20 pictures and it was a really expensive camera.

As a result of this I had to borrow a digital camera from a very kind friend for my recent trip to Mexico. When in Mexico I had to change the batteries in the borrowed camera and EXACTLY the same thing happened to that one.

"Oh no!" I thought, "Am I a flipping camera jinx?" Then I realised that I had again tried to use the batteries that I had bought in Amsterdam. I popped in a pair of good ol' British AAs and the blessed thing worked. Hoorah!

Ok, so apparently batteries have different voltages in different countries and that's why the Dutch batteries didn't work with the British camera.

What the hell?

Did anyone else know this was the case? Am I the only dumbass that didn't know this or is it a secret handed down from electrical engineer to electrical engineer in a secret ceremony?

Well, I'm outing the information people! Knowledge transfer is a big buzzword these days so pass it on.

I'm also going to buy another pair of these rechargeable USB batteries that you see above. Well handy!

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