Friday, August 15, 2008

Horses for Courses?

Well, after all that heady literary talk and stretching of my intellectual muscles I've discovered the deep joy of Jilly Cooper novels this week. Man, you get your money's worth with one of her books. I spent every spare waking moment for about five days reading Riders and thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. What a book! "A great rollercoaster of a novel with a couple of hot gypsies thrown in?" Well it's non-stop action all the way through but there's only one gypsy.

The only trouble with reading Riders is that you get the feeling that instead of slogging away in nine to five dreariness you should be guzzling champagne and enjoying the heady and hectic lifestyle of those on the international show jumping circuit. It reinforced my opinion that I should be rich and idle, instead of just poor and idle. Sigh.

I found these smashing Prada boots when browsing all the shoes I can't afford on the Saks Fifth Avenue web site. They would be just the thing for rolling about in the hay with Rupert Campbell Black don'tcherthink?

And check out the back view. How ridiculously sexy does that look? Imagine standing there, purposefully whacking the riding crop against the leather of those boots and telling Rupert he performed abysmally in that last round and will have to be punished....

Gosh. I think I might have to go for a little lie down now.

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