Friday, August 08, 2008

Y' What?

I thought of several things I wanted to blog about this week (nutrition, war, language, etc.) but somehow never got around to any of it. Dang! Maybe I'll get around to my waffle next week. Hey ho.

So I thought while we were on the subject of good books I'd just share the book that I'm currently reading. I started it two days ago and it's one of those books you can't wait to get home and start reading. Oooh, I love those kinds of books!

The other night I was looking for something a bit more intellectually challenging than the excellently entertaining chick lit I've been gorging on recently. I had just finished re-reading Me and Mr Darcy by Alexandra Potter (Don't judge me! I'm a sucker for trashy chick lit and I love Jane Austen, the mother of all chick lit.) and wasn't in the mood for more happy ever after just at that point. A friend gave me this book for my birthday and I was immediately intrigued by the cover and the fact that the pages are all black around the edges. As soon as you look at it this is an interesting book.

It just gets better from there. In a nutshell it's about Ariel, an unconventional and very interesting woman, who happens across a cursed book in the course of her PhD research. Then it all gets weird and complicated. To quote a user on Amazon: "The central themes of this book are deep and metaphysical; it deals with language, thought and existence, borrowing from Derrida, Heidegger and Samuel Butler. There is also a fair dollop of quantum theory thrown in... That Thomas has even managed to produce anything remotely readable from her heavy subject matter is testament to what a talented novelist she is."

Oh, my poor deprived and starved brain is loving it!

Now if you'll excuse me there's a couch with my name on it waiting at home. I wonder if she dies at the end? 'Tis possible at this point...

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