Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Splish Splash

My shower's been on the blink for about a fortnight. Well, not true. It's been on the blink for about 4 weeks but finally died a death about 10 days ago. Since then I've been having to outsource my ablutions. Thank goodness I have several alternatives!

I have been using the gym showers, and also working out more as a result. One day I turned up and there was a big sign on the changing room door saying there was no hot water. I almost wept! Luckily the problem with the hot water had been the day before and they just hadn't taken down the sign. Phew!

We also have showers in the basement at work so I had a shot of those yesterday morning. Wow! Because they're in the basement the water pressure is amazing! The water was lovely and hot as well. Cor! I haven't had a shower that good for years. What with the availability of data projectors I was seriously considering moving into one of the seminar rooms down there. I'd have amazing showers and home cinema....

Anyway, I've also had to try and find a plumber to install a new shower. Good grief, it's an anxiety making prospect! First of all I had to find ones that can fit electric showers, then I realised I had to make clear they were replacing an existing unit and not fitting a whole new one. I also have to worry that it might be complicated by the abundance of tiles in the bathroom and hope that whoever designed the shower cubicle wasn't an idiot. If it was the same guy that designed the kitchen I have grave doubts. Then you have to know what wattage the unit is and, unlike microwaves, it doesn't say on the outer casing. Luckily I phoned up Mira with the serial number and they could tell me right off. Fantastic! That decided me that I was buying another Mira shower anyway.

And on top of all that I'm a single female and probably ripe for a ripping off :o(

Well, I've got a guy coming tomorrow morning to hopefully fit the shower. He came recommended on so hopefully he'll be a nice, professional man who'll just do the job and not leave too much of a mess.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Addendum: It gets even more complicated. I just got this from one of the companies:

If you were to purchase an advanced model I would say that is would be a straight swap like for like. If you change to a different Mira shower some piping alterations behind the shower may be needed or a mounting plate may be needed. Not all shower even if they are the same brand have the pipe inlet in the same place this why I say some pipe work may be needed and materials.

Holy crapola! Mind you, my dude coming tomorrow checked that with the supplier - which further reassures me.

Sigh. If only I had a tropical waterfall to wash in....

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