Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Overbearing Mothers

Pardon me while I vent becuase man, I need it!

Oh. My. God. I spent 20 minutes on the phone this afternoon with the mother of a prospective student. That's PROSPECTIVE, as in not even decided if he's going to apply to the uni yet! This is the third frickin time I've been on the phone with her as well, and she only called because I took two days to answer her frickin email and she couldn't check it today because her computer was on the blink.

The beeyotch took up 20 minutes of my time asking questions about things I will be telling her son when he comes to visit. Well, she said her son is coming to visit the university but I get the impression he's going to be dragged around it behind her unwillingly muttering "Aw mum!" under his breath while she lives vicariously through him.

Ugh. They're due to visit on the 16th of February and apparently 'he' will be coming to speak to me. She said "And you will be there on the 16th won't you?"
I replied "Barring any unforeseen circumstances, yes." Loosely translated as "Eff off you incredibly irritating woman, I'm taking a sickie that day! You won't miss me though because I'VE ALREADY TOLD YOU EVERYTHING! Oh, and it would have been easier to explain everything to you/your son in person but you couldn't freaking wait that long could you? You annoying cow!"


Take note my maternally inclined friends - Never, ever become this woman or I will hunt you down and kill you myself. You have been warned. Be more like this woman instead.

On a lighter note, check out The Museum of Depressionist Art. The collection includes such gems as Whistler's Overbearing Mother (above), Young Girl With A Noose by Vermineer and Under The Waterlillies by Moanet (see what they did there?)

It's cheering me up!

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