Thursday, January 22, 2009

Raining On My Parade Man!

Ok, so what is it with my friends the last two days? Whenever I've tried to share something cute and funny with them somebody seems to throw a spanner in the works.

First of all I was discussing the email which the picture above came from with a friend. This email is a dozen or so pictures of a very cute kitten and a budgie hanging out together. My friend started going on about how the kitten would get to a point where he didn't realise he couldn't play with the budgie and he'd accidentally swipe its head off or something. WTF? Where did that come from? Can't you just go "Aaaaargh! Teh cuteness!" and move on?

Then there's Brocolli Kitten. This is a video of a crazy little kitten that goes absolutely nuts for brocolli, which is highly unusual for a cat methinks. Anyway, the owner is holding the little kitty up while he chomps his way through a brocolli florette he's got clutched between his little front paws. The noises on the video are the best bit, he's going absolutely bananas over this piece of greenery. I posted this on a friend's wall on Facebook because she was needing cheered up (the same friend with the pessimistic view of the budgie's chances BTW) and another mutual acquaintance commented "Put down the kitten and let it eat! What's wrong with these people!!!" Um, think you entirely missed that it would be so much less cute and funny if they weren't holding him like that. I know for a fact the woman in the video fosters kitties all the time and is very kind to them as well.

And then I found this lol on Pundit Kitchen, which amused me greatly. I posted that on my Facebook wall and a couple of people made comments on it in the spirit of the thing. Then came this comment from yet another friend:

"First I laughed, then I grew super uneasy. I think memories of that puppy throwing video are too strong. Sad."

What? Where? Who? How? Why? What? Huh? Where did that come from? Sure, Nazis aren't the most hilarious of things but this is implying that these guys are about to get taken out by a cute little kitten, who will then escape across a river with a bag on Nazi gold and Hitler's favourite stapler, laughing all the way (Yeah, it's fun in my brain!) Plus (in the manner of Austin Powers) who throws a puppy?

Obviously there are some sick people out there who probably think it would be a lark to throw a puppy about, and even worse that it would be cool to post a video of yourself doing this on the internet. All's I can say about that is I'm glad I've never seen it and whoever did it should be rounded up and thoroughly killed for the good of humanity.

I'm sad that my attempts at bringing joy to my friends have backfired so much and I'm surprised more than one of them seems to be so pessemistic at the moment. Is it because it was Blue Monday this week? That's a possiblility, but all the more reason to enjoy the cute in my opinion. Are they suffering from SAD? Is it the Credit Crunch? What's going on? C'mon folks, lighten up!

1 comment:

Erika said...

Honeybear, I'm sorry I rained on your parade. It wasn't my intention but, you're right, it was the wrong response. I guess the other image scarred me to a level I hadn't realized (it was involving military men in uniform, hence the association). You go on posting your kittens and puppies and I'll keep my sorry mouth shut and squee along with you from now on, I promise.