Monday, January 26, 2009

Phishing Goes Full Circle

Hey everybody, this is apparently my 150th post. Woo! Go me! Where's my cake?

Anyhoo, clearing the spam out of my work in box this morning I found the email below. This oviously is some kind of phishing scam but look at what they're hiding behind! It's not about Mr Nndoogoo's hidden millions on the Ivory Coast for once.

"Subject: Greetings FromThe Desk Mrs Mzamber Farida Waziri(Efcc).........

From The Office Of The Executive Chairman ( Economic And Financial Crime Commission ) Chief Mrs. Farida Mzamber Waziri (AIG rtd.)

Due to the meeting held last week by the Presidency, We were meant to understand that foreigners have been defrauded of their Hard earned monies by our lawless citizens. The President of the Federal Republic Of Nigeira ( President Umaru Yar Dua) alongside the United Nations has set aside Funds to be paid to ( SCAM VICTIMS ) as a compensation for their lost. Some group of fraudulent citizens where aprehended by this office on an interogation to find out that you had been defrauded by this crooks. These has been tanishing the image of our Government.

We were also meant to understand that on your transaction with this impostor, you were defrauded of your hard earned funds.You are advise to get back to this office for a payment advise which has been set aside for you as a COMPENSATION to retain the good image of this country.
As a result of this,You are entittled to a compensation of us$980.000.00 United State Dollars.A cheque has been issued in your favour. You are to send down the following information in other for us to send your cheque direct to you:

1.Your Full Name as it is written on your driver lincense, international passport of identity card 2.Your Direct Telephone Number for prompt communication 3.And your full contact address.Upon the receipt of this mail, you are advise to send down the above mention informations.

Your's in Service,
Chief Mrs. Farida Mzamber Waziri (AIG rtd.)"

So, the scammers are now pretending to offer compensation to those who have been the victims of email scam in the first place. Who falls for this stuff? If you were the victim of an email scam and were scammed again in the same fashion you'd just give up and go live in a cave wouldn't you? Well, that would be the sensible thing to do but if you've already fallen for 2 email scams then can the word sensible be applied to you?

Oh, and apparently Jim Dale's boy is trying to scam me too. I guess the royalties from all those Carry On films must have dried up? Or maybe poppa cut him out of the will for making the "Stick that in the capstan" joke one too many times over the dinner table? Little shitebag seems to consider Scotland a foreign country though...

From: James Dale Jr.
Private Email:
Tel: +44 702 402 2665
Subject: Inheritance Fund
Date: JAN. 26th, 2009.


I apologize if the contents hereunder are contrary to your moral ethics, but please treat it with absolute secrecy and personal courtesy. I am James Dale Jr. an Auditor in a commercial Bank here in London UK, in the process of auditing our bank accounts for the first quarter of the year, I recently discovered that there was a dormant account valued at the sum Ј7,394,890.00 (Seven Million, three hundred and ninety four thousand, eight hundred and ninety British Pounds Sterling) and after due verification of this account I discovered that the account owner is late. That is why the account has been dormant and as such the funds are lying unclaimed in the bank.

The idea of presenting a foreigner to act as his next of kin came into my mind so as to have the total sum of Ј7,394,890.00 being transferred and willed to you and we can both disburse the fund according to the percentage we will agree upon.

In view of this, I am seeking for your co-operation and understanding to stand as the next of kin to our deceased customer, to enable us claim the fund from my bank. Hence, if this proposal is OK by you and you do not wish to take undue advantage of my trust. Please kindly get back to me immediately, strictly via my private email address only: to enable me enlighten you on how we are to proceed.

On getting your response, we shall agree on the percentage ratio on how the funds shall be splitted between ourselves, as I intend to invest part of our own share in real estate or any lucrative business in your country, and I would appreciate if you can put me in the right part where I can invest my own share.

Be rest assured that this business is 100% risk free.
I await for your prompt response.

Best Regards,
James Dale Jr.


And also presenting me as a foreigner it would seem. Maybe I should practice? Ahem hem... Good moaning, I was joost pissing by the weendow....

I should be more like this guy, he cracks me up!

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