Friday, June 09, 2006

Words, words, words...

I've been reading a lot lately - Hoorah! I just finished Flying Dutch by Tom Holt and enjoyed it immensely. The the story is about the Flying Dutchman (no surprises there), a cat, an alchemist, an accountant and a life insurance policy. It was extremely well written and hugely entertaining. I'd totally recommend it. Thanks for lending me it Kirsi, I'm not sure I want to give it back ;o)

The other book I'm excited about this week is Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman. I've only read what adds up to about 2 books by this author but I think he's superb. Let me explain - I've read Good Omens which he co-wrote with Terry Pratchett (so that's about half a book), Stardust and half of Anansi Boys. I was lent Stardust a few weeks ago by Louise and wasn't quite sure what to expect out of it. It's a lovely book though, a charming and entertaining fairy story for groan-ups. Much like Dianna Wynne-Jones (the 2 I have read) but with more sex and swearing (woo hoo!)

Anansi boys is about the sons of Anansi, the trickster spider god. I don't really want to say much more than that, except that it had me absolutely guffawing out loud in the first chapter. Where's that bit I wanted to share?...

"Spider kept himself amused. That was what he did. That was the important bit. He would not have recognised guilt if he'd had an illustrated guide to it, with all the component parts clearly labelled. It was not that he was feckless - more that he had simply not been around the day they handed out feck."

Heh heh heh. Just a wee example of the gems that this book contains. Just as I pulled it out the carrier bag and confessed to Louise that I'd naughtily detoured through Fopp on my way home she told me she was about to recommend it to me as she is reading it too. Coincidence? Hmm, who knows? Maybe I've been reading too much Gaiman to answer that one? Alls I know is it's one to take note of. I don't know why it's been published with 2 covers though, hopefully they don't have alternate endings or something!

Oh and P.S. Woo hoo! Friday! Yippeee!

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