Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Choccie choc chocolate!

So what have I been up to recently? Not very much to be honest, sorry to disappoint. The baptism of fire in the new job and the cold weather have increased my desire to hibernate to almost ridiculous proportions. Bears have got the right idea, they sleep through the winter and intentionally make their asses fat. A fat ass on a bear is a very desirable thing. And they poop in the woods. I'm not sure what that has to do with things but I got to mention poop :o)

Ooh, apparently it's chocolate week this week. Hoorah! Get scoffing. You can now get dark chocolate Kitkats (Nestle. Boo! Why do they make the tasty stuff?) and dark chocolate flakes now. Mind you, Cadbury's can give you food poisoning now can't it? Best just stick to the Green & Black's dark chocolate with whole cherries. Yumsle!


Here's a nice bit of trivia from the site:

1519 is probably the most crucial moment in the history of chocolate when HERNAN CORTES - Spanish explorer and one of Columbus' ambassadors met Montezuma in Tenochtitlan the capital of. Montezuma was the flamboyant Aztec Emperor. His name has become immortalised for the vast quantities of foaming 'xoco latl' he used to drink before visiting his harem of wives - this started the legend of chocolate and sex! Chocolate was Montezuma's Viagra!

Hoorah! So what's Montezuma's revenge then? Not something pleasant I do believe. Must go and Goooogle it.

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