Saturday, October 07, 2006

I saw the future.... and it was shite!

Hiya folks

Man, I had a bad day yesterday. One of those quietly trying to weep in the toilet but everyone notices the puffy eyes days. Sigh. I hate those. It's because the last few weeks in the new job have been so mental and almost overwhelming. I hate not knowing what I'm doing and there seems to have been an awful lot of stuff to do that I don't know how to do... if you get what I mean. It's certainly been a baptism of fire in the new job anyway. The couple of days I had off with Andy were blissful but when I got back to the office there was so much to do and it all had to be done NOW NOW NOW. Waily! No wonder I had a bit of a wobbly moment!

Sigh. Good ol' Ewen (who's been groomed and no longer looks like Peter Jackson, boo!) took me out for a pint after work and we had a good ol' bitch about the whole thing though. Then I took meself home and parked under the duvet for movie viewing. I had been speaking to Ewen about Brazil and my hankering to watch it again earlier so it seemed the logical choice.

Now, some of you may know I watched Brazil when I was about 16 and it blew my brain. Scared the bejesus out of me as well, and I wasn't quite sure why. I think it's because I glimpsed my future and it wasn't pretty. Not that I'd run around being an idiot and chasing some piece of skirt but the whole administrative cock-up aspect to the film was somehow familiar. I've felt like the one that puts in the little extra effort to get something done and look where it gets you - strapped to a chair and being tortured! Yikes! It's the whole 'computer says no' culture that seems to have grown up in the world today. Aaaaargh! Perhaps administration has been an invention of the Devil to hamper humanity? There's something in that....

Oh, just don't get me started on the state of the world today. I don't feel like foaming at the mouth at the minute.

Well, I think I'm off to see the Ron Mueck exhibition this evening. Art and cocktails, how civilised! That'll cheer me up :o)

1 comment:

Natcho Girl said...

hello marj island... nice to hear from you - I totally know those days. I had one or two myself the last few days.
Chin up dolly bird. the future's what you make it.