Monday, October 23, 2006

Hello Buffy My Old Friend....

It's good to see you kicking ass again.....

This weekend I rediscovered my love of Buffy... and Angel... and Spike. Mmm, Spike! (Any excuse for a pic!) My beautiful Buffy DVD box set has finally come back to me after being on loan for about 2 years and it caught my eye on Saturday while I was contemplating what to have with my coffee and square sausage roll. Needless to say, that was Saturday afternoon gone! I'm planning to work my way through seasons 1 to 7 and watch all the extras and the episodes with commentaries. That should keep me busy until Christmas and by then I might have got the Angel box set and that'd keep me out of mischief until Spring. Hoorah! Joss Whedon-licious baby!

Coincidentally I also came back to Jackie Chan and Kung Fu movies this weekend, oh how I love all things butt-kicky! I was Craig sitting on Saturday evening (while Louise made risotto and played Scrabble with Zoe. Pah!) and we watched Drunken Master. Ho ho ho, the dubbing on my copy is priceless. It adds a whole extra dimension of silliness. I really hope he didn't go home and start fighting the cat though!

After Drunken Master we had a crack at Shogun Assassin, which I've had lying around for ages and have never got round to watching. It's pretty darn good too. One of those movies where the blood shed is just Itchy & Scratchy comical. I was thoroughly enjoying it until the disc started going a bit dodgy. Gah! It was so dodgy that I completely missed the big set piece at the end where the Shogun Assasin slices and dices his way through what is left of the Shogun's ninjas. Double gah! I got a teaser of what I missed from the trailer but I'm going to have to catch up with it properly at some point.

That set me up nicely for the double bill at the Cameo on Sunday afternoon though - Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2. Quentin Tarantino has always said that they were 2 parts of one movie so when I got the chance to see them both on the big screen, for the measly sum of £5 no less, I was delighted. I still think Kill Bill 1 is one of the frickin' coolest things I've ever seen in my life. Everything from the butt-kicking to the sets to the soundtrack just oozes cool. Volume 2 is a lot slower compared to that so I can see how some people would be disappointed but I'm too easily pleased to moan about that too much. The final showdown between the Bride and Bill was nicely understated I thought. Not what you were expecting at all. Bravo Quentin!

Then Sci-Fi Sunday came about. Haggis, neeps, tatties and Battlestar Galactica. Nice! Kirsi and I only have 2 episodes of season 2 left to watch and hot dang! It's exciting stuff! I have to wait 2 weeks to find out what happens though cos I'm off to see The Divine Comedy at the Liquid Rooms next Sunday. Yay, but at the same time, phooey!

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