Monday, November 26, 2007

Not Today Thanks, We Don't Want Any.

So, this student comes to see me today because she got a lateness penalty on her essay but it wasn't late. This was a genuine mistake by the marker and I rectified the it. However, this really didn't do her much of a favour - it just brought her mark up from 29 to 34. Let me make this clear so the following is in context - that's 34 out of a possible 100 marks. Not V.G.

So once I change her mark she starts asking me about how this will effect her in the exam and her overall mark. I explain to her that she should try and do her best on the exam in December (Ha ha! Good luck!) but if she fails the course she'll have to do the resit in August. Her little face fell at this, I think it would interfere with her plans to get wasted in Ibiza or something.

She also asked me what she should do about getting penalised for missing tutorials. I explain that if she has a legitimate reason for having missed them then she should get in touch with her Director of Studies and start talking about a special circumstances appeal. She explains that she really doesn't have much of a legitimate excuse for not attending. Um, ok. Points for honesty I guess...

So then.... get this.... she starts asking about how she can transfer her degree to Politics.

Hello? Um, you did realise that you just got 34 for your essay and have been skiving tutorials? And you want to transfer your degree to this subject? Well, why sure! Come on in! You're just the calibre of student that we want!

Oh. Em. Gee. Seriously. Oh. Em. Gee.

Is Politics the university equivalent of a Higher in Religious Studies or something? People think it's going to be a totally easy qualification and a bit of a laugh (which it's not by the way. I got an A and worked dang hard for it!!)

I mean, seriously. I'm still flabberghasted that she asked. I tried my best to dissuade her by saying it wasn't all that easy and so on and so forth. I'm very proud that I managed not to shout her out of my office for being a freakin' idiot.

Good gravy! I find myself wanting to use the phrase "Youth of Today" mostly with the words "Line them up against the wall and shoot them."

Yep, I guess I'm a fully fledged grumpy old fart. Gimme my bus pass!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Further Adventures in Email

I just sent a snippy email to someone but then felt I had to apologis for it because it wasn't really their fault they sent me the email that made me angry, but it kind of was. Gaaaah!

Ok, this is what happened.

1. Politics graduate emailed International Office to ask about how our grades translate for a post grad in America.

2. International Office forward email to SSPS Post Grad office.

3. SSPS post grad office forward email to me.

5. I read email, say "WTF???" and send snippy reply saying it's not an enquiry for me but I'll deal with it because it's been all over the place.

6. I look up the International Office web site, work out who is the most likely person to be able to answer my query from their highly detailed and helpful staff list and phone that person.

7. That person says "Oh yes, forward the query to me and I'll deal with it."

8. I thank them profusely and then notice that the International Office is the first frickin' place the email went to.

9. So then I email the person who sent it to me and apologise for being snippy. I hope they feed back the snippiness to the International Office. Sheesh!!!

BTW - The Dilbert cartoon above is now my computer wallpaper. I was going to use a picture of someone banging their head against a brick wall but couldn't find one I liked. It seems only businessmen are allowed to bang their heads against walls. Sigh.

Cookie Monster

So I've been baking a lot recently (bananananana bread and cookies and bananananana bread, oh my!) and the cookies I made last night turned out great! I thought I had better record the recipe before I lost it. It's currently jotted down on the back of an envelope so losing it is a distinct possibility....

The Basic Cookie Recipe

1.5 cups/4.5 oz/127 g
1 cup/4 oz/ 113 g margarine or butter
1 egg
2.25 cups/8 oz/ 226 g flour
(if using plain flour or gluten free then add baking powder. 1 tsp for plain flour or for each 200g gluten free four).
2 drops vanilla essence
2 cups/100g chocolate
Slosh of booze

Beat the sugar and margarine/butter together in a large bowl.

Add the egg. Beat again.

Sift in the flour (and baking powder if using it). Add the vanilla essence, chocolate, any other nuts or fruit you fancy and a generous slosh of rum or Tia Maria or Sailor Jerry's or... you get the idea.

Mix until you have cookie dough.

Put the dough in cling film and make a big sausage out of it. Bung this in the freezer for 20 - 30 minutes.

Cut the dough into roughly 15 roughly even bits. Mould them into sort of round dods and put them on a baking tray on top of baking paper. Actually, use 2 trays because they spread out a lot. Cook in a pre-heated oven, gas mark 3.5 (170 degrees C/350 degrees F), for 15 or so minutes.

Take them out and try and leave them to cool before you scoff the lot!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Here We Go Again...

-----Original Message-----
From: Notpaidenough@myjob.for.this.crap
Sent: 14 November 2007 16:32
To: Uppitty Madam
Subject: Essay - Please Resubmit Electronically ASAP
Importance: High

Dear Uppitty

I'm afraid that a cut and paste submission of your essay cannot be accepted as this causes problems with the plagiarism software.

Please upload your essay as an attachment as per the instructions on page 8 of the course handbook.
Please make sure your essay is saved in the right file format and has the right file name. More information can also be found on page 8 of the course handbookand in the 'Essay Information' section on the Course Content page in WebCT.

Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Uppitty Madam
Sent: 14 November 2007 22:29
To: Notpaidenough@myjob.for.this.crap
Subject: Re: Essay - Please Resubmit Electronically ASAP

Dear Ms. Notpaidenough,
Thank you for your response. I have attempted to submit my essay again, and fortunately, was successful this time. But I would like to add that I am not computer illiterate (or of sub-standard
intelligence) and that I tried every way I could think of (a few weeks ago now) to make the school computers work in order for me to submit my essay. So that I would not be marked late (as I was certainly submitting my essay on time), I was forced to copy and paste (I left a note, but I believe it was disregarded). I immediately wrote Dr Course Organiser afterwards asking him what he wanted me to do, and a few days later I received the one-lined response that I should write you immediately. I took his advice, and as you are aware, you have responded just recently (it appears that that e-mail was disregarded as well).
I hope this new submission will be in a sufficient format for the plagiarism software and won't cause you any more problems. Thank you again for your time.

A bit overly defensive methinks, and totally flipping cheeky. I forwarded it to the Course Organiser and asked him to have a word. I DO NOT have to put up with that.

-----Original Message-----
From: Course Organiser
Sent: 15 November 2007 15:29
To: Uppitty Madam
Subject: Contact with Course Secretary

Dear Uppitty,

I think if you had taken some more time before sending to read your e mail to Notpaidenough regarding your failure to submit your essay electronically, you would have concluded that your tone was both unwarranted and inappropriate. You might also have concluded that your representation of my speed of response was inaccurate and your criticism of Notpaidenough's failure to prioritise you over all other students more than a touch egocentric.


Course Convenor

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! That man’s my new hero!

-----Original Message-----
From: Uppitty Madam
Sent: 15 November 2007 17:57
To: Notpaidenough@myjob.for.this.crap
Subject: Fwd: Contact with Course Secretary

Dear Ms. Notpaidenough,
I am very shocked to hear that you (I assume from Mr. Course Convenor’s e-mail) have found my e-mail to you last night to be unwarranted and inappropriate. I must tell you though, that I am very sorry you have interpreted it this way, and I am also very sorry if I have caused you any offence. I must also tell you though, that I most certainly did not write that e-mail with any intentions of unwarrentedness or inappropriateness whatsoever and that my ONLY intention was to thank you for your assistance and to try to explain to you that I had made an effort and that I wasn't just some random student who didn't do their work. After re-reading my e-mail to you, I must admit I am still at a complete loss to discover where these sentiments might have fit in, but again, I am very sorry if you somehow discerned them (which I gather you have). Again, on my end at least, they certainly never even existed.
I very much hope you can accept my apology and again, thank you for your assistance in regards to the online essay submission.
Uppitty Madam
(On a side note, if you read Mr. Convenor's e-mail to me below, you will notice that he calls me very egocentric. I assure you that I am well aware of the fact that I am not the only student in the course and I can tell you that I do not think that I am in any way more entitled to school services than any other student - those notions are quite preposterous to me.)


Hang on though…

Quoting Uppitty Madam

Dear Mr. Convenor,
I am very shocked at your letter you have written me. I had no idea
that the e-mail I wrote Ms. Notpaidenough yesterday (which she has
obviously forwarded to you) had any tone whatsoever, let alone an
unwarranted and inappropriate one. I'm sorry, but it is a great
surprise to hear this and very confusing to me, as I wrote it out of complete neutrality - I thanked her for her response (which wasn't
completely neutral, I'll admit), but after that I just wanted to let her know that I had made an effort (acknowleding the three e-mails she had sent me regarding my gross failure to submit my essay). In addition, I must tell you that I would be the last person you'd ever find who would claim to be egocentric. I am very well aware and
considerate of the work that goes into most every task I engage in, and that would certainly include Ms. Notpaidenough’s job as the course secretary. I must also admit that even after re-reading the e-mail I sent Ms. Notpaidenough last night, I have not been able to discover this egocentrism you are accusing me of. (Although I will say that I find it personally very offensive that you have suggested this.) I am of the opinion that everyone is equal, and that would certainly pertain to my fellow students. Although I do not engage with them, I would never consider myself as being above them in
any way. I do my best in my courses and try to achieve all that I can
(as I very much understand the importance of university), but I never
consider it a competition against other students, especially not in
regards to attention.
I really do not know what to add as I am still very confused at your
accusations. I will of course write Ms. Notpaidenough immediately and
attempt to explain to her that I did not mean any unwarrentedness or
inappropriateness whatsoever. Besides that, I suppose that since you
have taken it upon yourself to become involved in what you might
perceive to be 'a situation', you might be able to tell me what you
would like me to do to become less unwarrented, inappropriate and
egocentric as well.

Holy Crapola!

-----Original Message-----
From: Course Convenor
Sent: 16 November 2007 11:01
To: Uppitty Madam
Subject: Re: Contact with Course Secretary

Hi Uppitty,

Thanks for your message and apology. It's a very common problem with e mails that they often don't come across to any recipients as the sender intended. I totally accept that's what has happened in this case. A brief note to Notpaidenough would be a good idea. After that I think we can consider it a matter of lesson learnt and subject closed and forgotten.

All the best
Course Convenor

Ah, those of us with a bit of experience and maturity know when to call it a day.

Is it just me?