Monday, November 26, 2007

Not Today Thanks, We Don't Want Any.

So, this student comes to see me today because she got a lateness penalty on her essay but it wasn't late. This was a genuine mistake by the marker and I rectified the it. However, this really didn't do her much of a favour - it just brought her mark up from 29 to 34. Let me make this clear so the following is in context - that's 34 out of a possible 100 marks. Not V.G.

So once I change her mark she starts asking me about how this will effect her in the exam and her overall mark. I explain to her that she should try and do her best on the exam in December (Ha ha! Good luck!) but if she fails the course she'll have to do the resit in August. Her little face fell at this, I think it would interfere with her plans to get wasted in Ibiza or something.

She also asked me what she should do about getting penalised for missing tutorials. I explain that if she has a legitimate reason for having missed them then she should get in touch with her Director of Studies and start talking about a special circumstances appeal. She explains that she really doesn't have much of a legitimate excuse for not attending. Um, ok. Points for honesty I guess...

So then.... get this.... she starts asking about how she can transfer her degree to Politics.

Hello? Um, you did realise that you just got 34 for your essay and have been skiving tutorials? And you want to transfer your degree to this subject? Well, why sure! Come on in! You're just the calibre of student that we want!

Oh. Em. Gee. Seriously. Oh. Em. Gee.

Is Politics the university equivalent of a Higher in Religious Studies or something? People think it's going to be a totally easy qualification and a bit of a laugh (which it's not by the way. I got an A and worked dang hard for it!!)

I mean, seriously. I'm still flabberghasted that she asked. I tried my best to dissuade her by saying it wasn't all that easy and so on and so forth. I'm very proud that I managed not to shout her out of my office for being a freakin' idiot.

Good gravy! I find myself wanting to use the phrase "Youth of Today" mostly with the words "Line them up against the wall and shoot them."

Yep, I guess I'm a fully fledged grumpy old fart. Gimme my bus pass!

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