Friday, July 18, 2008

Didn't Last Long...

Ok, so the not moaning did not last very long. I stumbled across something today that got me flexing the old rant muscles again...

PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. I believe that's what it stands for and, to be fair, on the face of it they stand for a noble sentiment. I agree that animal welfare should not be sacrificed in the name of the almighty dollar, but mostly because well looked after beasties taste sooooo much better. The chicken I had at a make shift roadside greasy spoon in Mexico was some of the best godsdamn chicken I've tasted in quite a while. There was a suspicion that the family who ran the eaterie possibly kept the chickens themselves out the back, which would explain the great flavour. That all might not be true but I like to think it is so who are you to rain on my parade?

Anyway, back to the point - PETA in themselves are not noble in my opinion. They are terrible bitchy horrible people who seem to try and get their point across in the stupidest ways possible. If PETA were a person or persons they would be the group of popular and pretty girls in high school that band together and derive pleasure from ridiculing and torturing anyone they think deserves it (i.e. anyone who is not in their clique). Witness the above caricatures of the Olsen twins. Now, this pair are not my most favourite people on the face of the planet, more so after I ended up sitting through New York Minute because it was one of the only English language films I could find on Mexican television (Eugene Levy, what were you thinking? Mortgage payments I hope!). They seem to be just another pair of vacuous twits who have floated to the top of the scum pool that is Hollywood and the bizarre industry that incorporates celebrity gossip and paparazzi. I don't think they deserve to be so cruelly caricatured in such an immature and nasty way though.

So what got me going today? On my usual daily perusal of the celebrity gossip websites (I said it was bizarre and I didn't condemn it because that'd make me a hypocrite. Let's face it, humans have always been fascinated by what the idle rich are doing.) I found this

Corey Feldman has jumped on the PETA bandwagon and seems to be trying to convince us to live on frozen veg. Corey Feldman? Oh puhleeease!

It didn't just stop there though.

I found the above blog through comments on the Mollygood post. It's a very interesting post/article... Well, it's a rant really but he spouts a lot of facts and figures to back it up. The email from PETA and his response to it are well worth checking out as well.

As I said, I'm all for treating the animals I eat well and I always buy free range and organic where possible but these PETA a-holes make me want to eat a bacon sandwich while wearing a fur coat and poking a battery chicken with a stick.

To end on a more positive note I did a Google image search for "Cutest kitten ever" and got some pretty keeeeeyoooot results. This one is the winner today though. Aaaaw! Look at its little paws and wee ears and big eyes. Aaaargh! The cuteness!

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