Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Did you know that it's National Chip Week?

Well, apparently it is. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I can't join in the fun. I fell off the diet wagon and into a vat of lard last week so I've got to be very good now. Harumph!

The plan seems to be to convince people that chips aren't as bad as you think. I don't think chips are bad, I think chips are wonderful. They're just lardy too. Sigh.

I've known some good chips in my time, and some bad chips. Possibly the worst chips on the face of the planet were available at any refectory in Edinburgh University, back in the day. When I was at uni I used to wonder what on Earth they did to the poor potatoes to make them that awful? I mean, chopped potato and some hot oil - how can you go wrong? Ask the catering staff at the uni circa 1995-1999! I suspect perhaps the oil wasn't hot enough but they weren't exactly soggy, they did manage to stick together in big clumps though. It was quite disturbing and they were like that the whole 4 years I was at uni. Maybe I should go and investigate what they're like these days? I'm horribly afraid they're still the same though. Eeeeuw!

Good chips? Where does one get good chips? I still haven't tried that place on the Royal Mile that Zoe recommends. The Sea Breeze or something? Dude - next time you're in Edinburgh it's fish suppers all round yeah?

Oh, and curly fries! Why can you not find curly fries anywhere anymore? Bar Oz is apparently back to being Oddfellows and is wanky and overpriced so I doubt you can get them there. A billy can of curly fries used to be the mutt's nuts though, with lashings of ketchup. Drooool.

Oh well, I've got more of The Great Meatball Experiment Mark II for my dinner tonight. I've been experimenting to see if you can do meatballs in a Le Creuset. Marks I and II have tasted splendid but have been a bit on the runny side. It's difficult to get the amount of liquid right but next time I'm going to try adding passata to see if that gloopifies it up a little bit. If Mark III doesn't work I may have to admit defeat and come to the conclusion that you can't do meatballs that way. Booo!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dude!mmm fish suppers! i think its called either the sea breeze or the watery clam or something...

and try adding either beans (little ones that will cook down and thicken the sauce) or some sort of starch like corn flour or that cool potato starch my bro bought! you could also try thickening it with a bit of mash potato...