Monday, February 19, 2007

Let's Go Fly A Kite...

That's what I'm doing, though you probably can't see the kite in this picture, and what with me being so unphotogenic it's a bit rubbish really, no offence to the photographer though. Ho hum. It was an absolutely bee-yoootiful day on Saturday so when Naomi called me all my good intentions of spending the day spring cleaning went out of the window. I packed my kite up and got a bottle of Irn Bru from the shop (for you can't go to Holyrood Park without Irn Bru, that'd just be WRONG! Unless you have cava, that would be an acceptable substitute.) and toddled down to soak up some of the spring weather.

I realised that I've had my kite since I was about 12 years old and it's still going strong. It really is a Super Tube! The pocket kite fared less well though, it seems a bit lopsided so it just kept flying around in circles and then crashing to the ground. I think my Super Tube was the second best kite out in the park on Saturday afternoon though. The best kite was one of those huuawge ones that can lift you off the ground, somebody was out with an orange and white one (so not Matthew's old one) and it was flying beautifully. My kite just went almost straight up and stayed up. Joe (Naomi's bro*) did want to run the string out to the end just to see how far it would go but he's that sort of guy. Having just realised how long I've owned that kite for I was less inclined to take the risk of losing it and took it back off him. There's a metaphor for life if ever there was one! He likes to go to the end of the string just to see what happens or if he can and I'm quite happy to accept there's an end to the string but I don't need to see it or risk my kite to know that it's there. Very zen... or something.

The third best kite was being flown by a mummy and her wee boy. It was several kites, about half a dozen, all strung together and they were sparkly. Oooh pretty! The most rubbish kite was a stunt one that 2 boys and their dad were attempting to fly while the mother and, presumably, the grandmother, stood by and looked unimpressed. They only managed to get it in the air once and it didn't stay up there for very long. I tried not to snigger too much as I stood there and enjoyed the serenity and calm engendered by my kite. I always forget how satisfying it is to fly my kite and I must make an effort to do it more often now the weather is getting better again. Hoorah!

*Literally mofo. Check out the gansta stylee. Word.


Unknown said...

aaaaaw doooooooooooooood...i miss you ! and edinburgh...sigh...

Marj said...

Miss you too dude :o(

Nevah mind, you have an exciting new job in the world of moisture management to keep you busy. Surely that'll make Guildford seem more glamorous?