Monday, February 26, 2007

Meatballs and Chickpeas and New Shoes, Oh My!

So I just spent a very nice weekend with Zoe and Matthew in sunny Guildford, and it only rained for about 65% of the time. For some reason, that we won't go into here, I decided to fly down to Gatwick instead of getting the train. Ugh! NEVER doing that again by the way. Security at the airports is so strict these days. Obviously there are good reasons but when you've been standing in a huawge queue for 10 minutes already and then have to have your luggage rummaged through and your extremely fluff-filled handbag turned inside out then your irritation levels do reach fever pitch. Couple that with the fact that there are people EVERYWHERE in airports and rather a lot of them seem to be small, sticky and whiny (not just the kids!) and the decision to go by train from now on gets much easier. Oh God though, I'm flying again next weekend because we're off to London to see Spamalot. *whimper*

Anyhoo, besides that the weekend was very enjoyable. There were meatballs for tea on Friday, washed down with Cava and orange juice... and then meatballs for lunch on Saturday. Yumsle! The other staple of the weekend was chickpea stew, courtesy of Matthew. Zoe's getting him trained slowly but surely. After we'd spent Saturday afternoon shopping he was tasked with getting wur dinner ready and I think he did a not bad job. It was chickpeas for lunch again on Sunday though and by that point I was all chickpea'd out! There was a lot of "Pull my finger" going on I'm afraid. Luckily we all find that most amusing ;o)

So, fuelled by meatballs and with the promise of chickpeas to come, Zoe and I actually went girly shopping. Schock! Horror! This is what comes of not having a television dude! We eventually pulled ourselves together enough to leave the house (after an epic battle between me and the hot water system. Humph!) by about half past three on Saturday afternoon, so it wasn't a full day of retail delights. The shops in Guildford are not bad though. We got distracted by about 3 shops while trying to get into Next and spent a very happy 20 minutes or so perusing the pocket money toys in a shop that stocked the sorts of things you never knew you needed until you saw them. Love it!! Wind-up toys a go go.

After dragging Zoe away from that shop I managed to find a lovely pair of Kurt Geiger espadrilles on a sale rack. They're like the picture above except navy blue with a white ribbon. Oh so gorgeous!! I made the mistake of trying them on and then they had to be mine! I'm looking forward to wearing them on my holiday in April though, and I found a lovely skirt in Next that matches. I just need to find a nice navy blue and white striped top to complete the outfit I think.

Oh my God! When did I get so girly??? Sorry Zoe!

Anyhoo, we completely failed to go to the gym or go around Guildford cathedral or track down the Bearded Lady but we did catch up on Lost and eat a heck of a lot of chickpeas. The flight back up from Gatwick was just as unpleasant as the flight down (though I did witness a woman having hysterics at security over baby bottles. Entertaining but train next time for sure!!) so breaking free from the heaving throng in the airport was a great relief. I was exhausted but had to go feed the Duff's cat on Sunday evening. She's so squeaky! She was incredibly pleased to see me though so I felt obliged to hang around and get covered in cat hair. I watched some programme about a girl that's 'addicted' to chips in the end as I thought it may have some insights that would help me with my fondness for the frites. Unfortunately the girl that is 'addicted' to chips seems to be an attention seeking fruitloop so the programme just left me wanting to slap her silly. I did not want to eat chips after it though. BTW - I noticed there's quite a hot guy in the chipper the other week but when I asked for lots of sauce he was quite stingy. Obviously it's not meant to be between us....

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