Thursday, March 01, 2007

Sing From The Diaphragm A Lot....

I'm off to Londinium this weekend to see Spamalot with Emily and Helen. Yippee!

In celebration of this I bring you another installment of "Spammers That Make Me Chuckle" from my Gmail junk. I was going to Google an image to go with this lot but I hate to think what would have come up if I'd typed in the first or the 5th ones so I just left it. Have a picture of an incredibly grumpy kitten instead. Aaaaw! He's so peed off!

Anyhoo, enjoy. I think third from last is my favourite of this batch.

Marianne Beaver
Johnny Pitts
Jeffrey Seals
Impeding B. Trendiest
Gay Humphrey
Young Belcher
Waterfowl. O. Conducts
Lugubriousness H. Euthanasia
Typographer B. Smith
Watercourse J. Ejection
Hemophiliac L. Stationed
Maximus Kong
Consensus G. Homophones
Ponders O. Bicycles

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