Tuesday, March 06, 2007

London Baby!

As I usually try to be a positive kind of girl I'll get the bitching out of the way first...

Aaaargh! I'm definitely never travelling by plane again if I can help it. We flew down to East Midlands airport on Friday because our base of operations for the weekend was Leicester. The flight down was fine and Helen picked us up from the airport. The rest of the weekend went swimmingly (I'll get to that in a moment) but then Sunday came....

Emily and I were due to fly back to Edinburgh on the 13:15 flight, leaving plenty time for a leisurely Sunday afternoon of cat feeding, food shopping and general domestic boringness. We got to the airport at about noon and, after almost leaving our lunch in Helen's car (Noooooo!), joined the smaller of the check-in queues. Once we got to the counter we were asked if we knew that our flight had been cancelled. What? If we knew that would we be standing here trying to check-in??? The next flight was due to depart at around 5pm and in the meantime we could have a refreshment voucher for £5 each as an apology. Gaaaaah! What else could we do? Helen had already left to go to work so we were stuck there. Luckily we'd invested in a copy of the Sunday Times so that kept us going for all of about 4 hours. The bottle of Duty Free Tia Maria and the free refills on soda from Pizza Hut also helped those hours pass. Eventually Emily invested in a travel Scrabble set before we went insane. The feeling that we'd have to live in the airport was getting stronger with every passing minute. The flight took off late as well, and boarding wasn't announced. Sheesh! We eventually made it back to Edinburgh at about 8pm. Nightmare :o(

Anyway, the rest of the weekend was very pleasant indeed. We drove into London on Saturday for Spamalot and stopped in at the Baker Street branch of Nando's for lunch. Yummy yum yumsle. I had a meditteranean salad because of Fat Club and feeling particularly nauseous from car sickness. Bleeugh. I haven't been that bad for ages, but I'll try not to blame John's driving ;o) On the way to the theatre we popped into Selfridges to drool over all the lovely and very expensive shoes. Prada and Dior and Chanel oh my!! Lovely jubbly. Then we had to positively scamper down Oxford Street in order to find the theatre. Once there though we had sweet seats and the show was hilarious. There's enough from the film in there to keep saddos like me who can quote huge chunks of it happy but it's also sufficiently different to justify the trip. The production value is huge too, glitter and lights and effects all over the place. The tickets were quite pricey but you're getting quite a show for your money. Fetchez la vache!! La vache d'or?

I got myself an "I'm Not Dead Yet!" t-shirt for the gym too. I couldn't resist! I don't think the "Fetchez La Vache!" one would have fit me though. Booo!

On Saturday evening we watched The Dish on John and Helen's huuuawge screen. I mean huuuawge, they have a laser projector mounted on the ceiling of their living room and a big white screen to project on to. I'm so jealous!! The Dish was an interesting choice as John worked on the Beagle 2 mission to Mars and had an insider viewpoint on the tension these space expeditions can generate. Coincidentally enough there was also a lunar eclipse that evening so it was space-a-gogo down in Leicester. We stood about in the garden for a while watching the moon go dim but a lunar eclipse doesn't move at anywhere near the speed of a solar one so we got cold and bored pretty quickly. Still, I'm glad we went out and had a look at it.

Then there was Sunday, and we all know what happened then!

I had Monday off work but spent most of the day sat watching SATC. I've seen it all now. Waily! The good news is that the SATC film is definitely going ahead. Will I be going to see it? As Mr Big would say: "Abso-fucking-lutely!" :oD

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