Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm Not Shy...I'm Just Retiring*

I got a letter in the post the other day confirming that my Civil Service Pension Scheme has been transferred into the University of Edinburgh Staff Benefits Scheme. It also said that I have been credited with 5 years and 143 days.

Is that how long I spent working there?? Sheesh! I think I spent around 5 years and 127 days trying to leave! I'm glad that the transfer happened though, I didn't fancy trying to claim my 20p a week when I'm 65... or 95 depending on how these things go over the next 35 years.

Oh God, what a depressing thought. At least another 35 years until I can give all this up. The way things are going we'll be kept working until we drop dead. Well, that's something to look forward to!

Which reminds me of the thing that made me laugh (hollowly) when reading the front page of the Metro today:

"DNA samples and fingerprints could soon be taken in shopping centres from suspected litterbugs and shoplifters.

The evidence will be collected in temporary detention centres designed to fast-track petty offenders, such as drivers caught not wearing a seat belt, the Home Office proposes.

But the idea could add thousands of extra names to the national DNA register and sweep away long-standing restrictions on whose information police are allowed to keep.

Civil liberties campaigners condemned the idea.

Liberty policy director Gareth Crossman said: 'The Government is fast replacing the best traditions of English law with a chilling presumption of guilt.'

The plans are part of a review of the 1984 Police and Criminal Evidence Act."

It just tickled me that it's the 1984 act. One more step towards our inevitable Orwellian dystopian future. Pass the Victory gin!

* Picture by Gil Elvgren 1950

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