Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Still Don't Know What Happens In The Scrum!

So, for some reason (probably alcohol related!) I went to watch the rugby on Saturday afternoon. I was in the Sportsters bar on Market Street with some of the girls because Jo G had booked a table. That lady likes her rugby! Needless to say Scotland got humped. I can't even remember if the team played well or not but I do remember my pals heckling the commentator so it was probably his fault for jinxing them. I wonder if it was the same one that commentated the last game I tried to watch? He boasted about Scotland having been unbeaten at Murrayfield this season and then the team got totally trounced, by the Italians if I remember rightly. Wha? I thought they were rubbish at rugby - too cool to get muddy probably.

I still don't understand rugby but I do understand drinking on a Saturday afternoon so that's why I was there. I was also there hoping to ogle hunky rugby supporters but unfortunately all I had to look at was a bunch of preppie Edinburgh Uni RFC boys and a couple of skinny neddy types who looked way too young. Seriously, they didn't look a day over 15. Scary! I guess the real men must have been downstairs all huddled around the bar grunting. I like a seat when I'm confused so they weren't in my eyeline. Ho hum. I've included a picture of Ally Hogg for Lady Nat Nat though - try to contain yourself dear ;o)

On Sunday I went to see TMNT, or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as we all knew it. Pure nostalgia but entertaining none the less. Luckily all the small annoying children were in seeing Mr Bean because none of them had ever heard of a Mutant Ninja Turtle, teenage or otherwise. The animation was pretty good and the plot was actually a bit interesting. Cap'n Slaphead Jean Luc Picard was the voice of the baddie so that endeared me to it as well - surely he wouldn't be involved in sh*te now would he? For something that I was embarrassed to ask for a ticket to see ("Didn't you hear my mumble, ticket lady? Please don't make me say it twice.") I was pleasantly surprised by it. Hoorah! Or should I say "Awesome! Cowabunga dude!"

On Sunday evening ITV were showing a production of Mansfield Park. Oh joy! New adaptions of Austen are always worth investigating. Unfortunately they'd fannied (pardon the pun) about with it so much I was left feeling really disappointed. It was insipid and dull, but at points seemed like it was trying not to be, which is worse! It was the televisual equivalent of a boring asshole who thinks they're so great. The whole slave-trade thing was vaguely hinted at but not in any great depth and after rejecting Mr Crawford Fanny was punished by being left in Mansfield Park while everyone else went to visit Granny. This annoyed me because it was obviously done to save money on sets and actually detracted from story. Grrrrr! They're doing Northanger Abbey next week and I will be in the company of some bona fide Austenphiles so woe betide ITV if they've ballsed up that one as well!

On a happier note I went to see Becoming Jane last night and really, really liked it.

*spoiler warning - don't read on if you ever plan to watch it*

I was very worried that it would have been all Hollywood-ised and they'd somehow crowbar a happy ending on to it. Hallelujah though, they didn't. It is the story of how shitty womens' lives could be in that shitty patriarchal snobby society. Poor Jane! Oh man, you do not feel good at the end of the movie. It was good for me though because after a period of moping and bemoaning my single status it did make me grateful for one thing - at least I've had a good shag in my time. Man, there are worse ways to be and that's for sure!

1 comment:

Natcho Girl said...

phoooarrrr my boy... Now that's one rason i'd come home ;o) thanks Marj - for cheering me up.