Thursday, May 11, 2006

Later that very Thursday...

The weather turned kinda poopy again. Boo! I did go out for lunch in the sunshine though so I got a bit of photosynthesising done. Mmmm, chlorophylicious baby! (Dang, I hope I spelled all that ok!) Victoria decided to feed the birds, though it wasn't tuppence a bag I don't think. How much do morning rolls retail for these days? Gosh, swans are impressive close up... and persistent. One hung around hoping for more for quite a while. I wonder if it was the same one that pecked a seagull's head? Don't mess with the swans man!

The wind had got up a bit by home time and blown swathes of petals from the cherry blossom trees. It all looked so pretty, with the sun bringing out the warmth of the pink, that I wanted to try and get some pictures. By the time I'd scuttled up to the flat and grabbed the camera the sun had put its hat on and fecked off to the pub. Bumnuts! I did get this interesting photo though. It kind of looks like pink snow doncha think?

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