Wednesday, May 31, 2006

What do you mean "Which one's the cow?"

What a pleasant weekend I had. On Friday night I went to a quiz in aid of MacMillan Cancer Research with Kirsty. We didn't win but we didn't come last either so that was good enough, seeing as the questions were HARD. The evening ended in fine style with Kirsty and I drunkenly putting the world to rights from the comfort of my sofa before she toddled off home and I dozed off on the couch...

Luckily I'd been drinking water so I wasn't utterly minging when I had to go out and meet my dear mama the next afternoon. We went to see Alan Borthwick and Friends doing a selection of Gilbert & Sullivan favourites at St Andrew's & St. George's church. They're a great bunch but they do get carried away sometimes! The first half of the concert was over an hour long and by the end of it our poor bums were complaining. We weren't sitting in the pews but the hard chairs we did have were unmerciful on the derriere. I persuaded mama that a cup of coffee in the Portrait Gallery would be preferable to subjecting ourselves to those chairs for a moment longer and off we trotted. Then I went and spent too much money in HMV. Whooops! Saturday evening was spent in the flat, not spending any more money thank you so very much!

On Sunday I took advantage of Cat's ASVA (Association of Scottish Visitor Attractions) passes to get Naomi and I in to Dynamic Earth for free. There were some rather splendid cows outside and above is a picture of me with my favourite from that herd. Close up he's glittery - Pwetty!

Dynamic Earth was ok, but I would have grudged paying to get in. It's one of those places that seems to be enhanced by the audio guide that costs a fiver on top of the £8.95 you just paid for the privilege of entry. Gah! It's true, the Scots really do try and rip off the tourists for every penny. No wonder they have to try and work so hard to flog holidays in Scotland to Scottish people!

On Sunday evening I went to Glasgow with Nat to see The Editors at the Carling Academy. They were really good and I quite enjoyed the support band who were on right before them - unfortunately I have no idea what that band were called. I must try and remember to find out...

That was the first gig I'd been to since the smoking ban and the variety of aromas that I encountered was... interesting to say the least. To start with there was a prevalent odour of Heinz baked beans for some reason. This was later replaced with farts, stale beer, dope (I swear I smelt that!), Nat's deodorant from her spraying it on the massive inconsiderate barsteward standing in front of us and, most unpleasant of all, a faint tang of vomit - nice! That's much better than cigarette smoke isn't it?

We got back quite late on Sunday evening so instead of rushing out to take more advantage of the ASVA passes on the bank holiday Monday I did my laundry, went to Tesco and read a book. Ah nice :o)

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