Monday, May 15, 2006


Just another manic Monday? You betcha! The weather's pish and I managed to sleep in this morning. Two things did manage to raise a smile on my face on the way to wurk though. Once I had managed to catch the 5 bus (which goes all the way to my work without me having to change - bonus but I was already late and fed up by that point) the day brightened up when I saw the cows outside the Omni centre. For those of you not aware, there is a cow parade going on in Edinburgh at the moment.

I think I remember Hannah asking "Why cows???" (The extra question marks denote her tone - incredulous.) the other week. The only answer I can come up with is why not? Cows are pretty cool these days, and I think Robert Wiseman probably has something to do with that. Who can resist a cow playing keepy-uppy? I mean, really?

The other thing that cheered me up was "Friday I'm in Love" by The Cure playing on my MP3 thingmy. I love that song anyway and the paradox of listening to it on a Monday morning cheered me no end. Needless to say the warm fuzzy glow these 2 things gave me had dissipated by the time I got to the front door of the office. I think they vanished in a puff of grumpiness as soon as I stepped off the bus and got rained on. Harumph! It's not that far to the door from the bus stop but the rain demanded the umbrella be put up and then the wind demanded the umbrella blow about and get tangled in my hair. Harumph! Bloody weather... (see Terry Gilliam animation in MP and the Holy Grail for that ref.)

The weekend just past was spent mostly feeling poopy and full of snot. I had to forego Crombie's sausages and mash at Chez Duff on Friday night because I felt so rubbish. Waily! It was gorgeously sunny on Saturday but I shunned the sun and hung out with Zoe in her flat instead. We took a trip to Homebase and I bought myself a new house plant - a kinky ficus. Well, with that name on the pot? I just had to!

Kirsi and I had an Alias session on Saturday evening, but it wasn't all straightforward. Kirsi's copy of Alias 4 is a dodgy copy of a Spanish version, I think. Disk 4 was labelled disk 3 and vice versa. We watched the whole of disk 4 - admittedly with a few kind of "Eh? When did that happen? Oh well, whatever. I'm sure they'll explain it." moments. We didn't actually notice that the disks were mixed up until halfway through the second episode on disk 3. D'oh! I'm not sure if that's a good indication of the script writing on Alias or not. The plots have been so convoluted and they've played with the timeline in previous series so we just trusted it would all become clear in the end - which it did but not in the way expected. Again - D'oh!! Ah well, I don't think it'll have ruined the season finale in any way so we still have that to look forward to. Huzzah!

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