Monday, May 22, 2006

What was all the fuss about?

I went to see the DaVinci Code yesterday. It wasn't as dire as I was expecting but I found it hard to be excited or thrilled by it because I've read the book. The most exciting bits were when the albino monk kept jumping out and grabbing the leading lady. Audrey Tatou was ok but her and Tom Hanks (so looks like a potato these days!) had absolutely no on-screen chemistry. I find this a blessing cos I can't stand Tom Hanks but one of the hilarious things about the book was how Robert Langdon was supposed to be this super-suave James Bond type, but an academic, and Sophie is basically supposed to be a Bond Girl. Ho hum. Angels and Demons was definitely better. I wonder if they'll make that movie? It's more an attack on the actual Vatican so maybe they won't? Or maybe it'll be ok cos it's the Catholics getting it in the neck? Who knows.... Ron Howard possibly?

The good news is that Jean Reno is still lovely. Hoorah!

(See above) Spot the difference....

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