Wednesday, February 21, 2007


My pal Kirsi has loaned me the first 3 series of Sex and the City on DVD and I'm utterly bingeing man! Love it! Love it! Love it!

Especially loving looking at the yummisome Mr Big, aka Chris Noth. Oh Em Gee! What a knicker-wettingly beautiful man. So this is just another excuse for me to put some eye candy on my blog ;oD

Sigh, shall I wax lyrical on how great the series is or shall I just bask in the beauty for a moment? Oh go on, just for a moment...



Natcho Girl said...

Nah i'd rather have Mr Sark Phhhoooaarrrrrr

Marj said...

He is deliciously eeeevil, I'll give you that ;o)

I absolutely love the tall, dark and handsome ones though. *wibble*

I have just finished season 3 of Sex in the City and now I have to wait for Amazon to deliver my box set. Whine!!